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Join the Movement

Gender equality and women’s economic empowerment are essential drivers for expanding economies; improving quality of life for women, men, families and communities; establishing more stable and just societies worldwide; propelling businesses’ operations and goals; and achieving internationally-agreed goals for development, sustainability and human rights. As the business case grows stronger, more and more companies are turning to the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) as a road map for the private sector to advance women in the workplace, marketplace and community.

  • Join the movement by supporting the WEPs and signing the CEO Statement of Support, and encouraging others to become champions of gender equality and women's empowerment! 

  • Join the conversation, share your thoughts and spread the word using the hashtags #WEPs prior, during and post event!

  • Follow the WEPs on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up to date on WEPs related news, engagement opportunities, resources and events!

  • Download the image below or copy and paste the HTML code provided to share our campaign through social media, on your website and in your email signature.



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