Transparency and Reporting

WEPs Reporting Guidance

The Women's Empowerment Principles: Reporting on Progress

Responding to requests from businesses that have signed the CEO Statement of Support and others, the UN Women and UN Global Compact partnership has produced a gender-specific guidance called The Women’s Empowerment Principles: Reporting on Progress. The guidance offers practical advice on how to report on implementation of each of the seven Women’s Empowerment Principles. It provides general reporting approaches and specific examples of disclosures and performance indicators for each Principle. Importantly, the guidance aligns with established reporting frameworks that businesses use such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and can be integrated into business’ UN Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP).


  • Find The Women’s Empowerment Principles: Reporting on Progress (aligned with GRI G4) here.

  • Find The Women’s Empowerment Principles: Reporting on Progress (aligned with GRI G3.1) here.

  • For more information on the differences between GRI G3.1 and GRI G4 Guidelines, kindly click here.


This guidance is for all businesses that recognize the value of applying a gender lens to their corporate sustainability agenda and are committed to the goals of the WEPs. For seasoned business that already report to their stakeholders through the Global Compact’s Communication on Progress and/or other corporate sustainability reporting mechanisms, including in the form a GRI Sustainability Report, it is hoped that this guidance will inspire a deeper look into the business and value-chain to identify gender-related risks and opportunities and to better understand the gender dimension and impact of current business policies and initiatives. For businesses that are new to corporate sustainability reporting or have yet to consider gender when collecting data and analyzing progress, the ideas embedded in this document will help make gender an integral component of new or existing corporate sustainability reporting efforts.

View other relevant tools and resources on transparency and reporting here.

The WEPs partnership gratefully acknowledges the support of Ernst & Young LLP and the EY Global Organization (collectively EY) for updating and aligning “Reporting on Progress” in line with the G4 Guidelines. This reporting guidance advances the implementation of all the Principles through the lens of Principle 7: Transparency, Measuring and Reporting.  Additionally, the WEPs partnership acknowledges the original author of the publication Ms. Katherine Miles.