Novidades & Eventos

Past Events

Gender Equality for Sustainable Business: 4th Annual Women's Empowerment Principles Event

6 March 2012, New York

Companies that have signed the CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles, as well as other businesses and stakeholders, convened to discuss how corporate behaviour and practices are being transformed to align with the WEPs. As in previous years, participants shared their experiences in implementing the WEPs, including best practices, challenges and lessons-learned. The meeting also provided an opportunity for discussion on key topics and themes, including how gender equality fits into the agendas of corporate sustainability and sustainable development.

Meeting Report | Agenda | Press Release | List of Event Participants

Event Videos

Opening Keynote Remarks

Session One: Innovation and Inclusion

Session Two: Setting the Pace: Multi-Stakeholder Efforts at the National Level

Demystifying the Metrics: Overcoming Obstacles to Increase Transparency

Integrating Gender into Corporate Sustainability

Transforming the Leadership Pipeline to Advance Gender Equality and Sustainability

Closing Keynote Remarks


Equality Means Business: Putting Principles into Practice

9-10 March 2011, New York

One year after the launch of the Women's Empowerment Principles, representatives from the private sector, Government, civil society and the UN will met at UN Headquarters to take stock of  how the Principles have been operationalized to advance company efforts to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community and identify areas for improvement.

Meeting Report | Agenda | List of Event Participants


Equality Means Business: Launch of the Women's Empowerment Principles

9 March 2010, New York

The event marked the launch of the Women's Empowerment Principles, explored their practical relevance for business, and investigated how best to build support for the spirit of the WEPs.

Meeting Report | Agenda | List of Event Participants | Press Release |

Press Statement by Ms. Ines Alberdi, Executive Director, UNIFEM | Press Statement by Mr. Georg Kell, Executive Director, UN Global Compact |

Press Statement by Ms. Susie C.Pontarolli, Aide - Environment and Corporate Citizenship Division, COPEL


Advancing Women in the Global Marketplace

5 March 2009, New York

The event brought together business, civil society, academia, labour, governments and the UN to identify what business can and is doing to advance women around the world and how these efforts relate to corporate citizenship. Ultimately, Advancing Women in the Global Marketplace aimed to develop a more coherent and multi-faceted vision of the many ways in which business can help empower women around the world.

The event featured a series of interactive sessions on creating the optimum workplace, women and entrepreneurship, public-private partnerships, and other initiatives. As a central element of the day's agenda, participants discussed whether a set of Women's Principles, a new voluntary code of conduct for business designed to promote gender equality, might be useful to stimulate further progress.

Meeting Report | Agenda | Lead Discussants